
Not all exercises are suitable for everyone, and any exercise program could result in injury. To reduce the risk of injury, do not force or strain. When in doubt, always consult a competent health professional, especially if you have a serious injury or illness. It is advisable to start an exercise program with the assistance of a trained instructor.

Wednesday, 18 April 2007


Welcome to my web log. I hope to share my experience and knowledge on Pilates, Yoga and other health and fitness matters with you here. When teaching classes especially the large and less intimate classes, I often feel that I do not have enough time to explain in as much detail certain things about a muscle or structure of the body that I would like to. So this is a means for me to give this information to you and you can read it in an environment where you have the time and opportunity to research it further.

Remember to use the "Subscribe in a reader" or "Subscribe by email" links on the right hand side so that you will automatically receive my future posts without having to remember to come back here.

I enjoy it when my students / class participants ask me questions during a class as this often shows me areas where people need more clarity or it proves to me that they have understood a concept and often I learn through understanding someone elses perspective. Here too, I hope that the communication will be two way communication, so please don't hesitate to send me questions, comments and ideas via the comments link under each of my posts. A lot of the posts will be information that I will have collected and researched using the internet and if someone has additional info, I welcome that. In other words, I would like to learn from you too.

(Your comments are not automatically displayed on this blog, instead they are emailed to me. If you would like to keep your question or comments private, please just tell me in your comment and I will not make that particular question or comment public.)

God bless / Om Shanti

PS: To view my other blogs, visit my profile page.

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